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Cats & Wildlife

Many cat owners to do not understand just what their cat does once allowed out to roam the streets, gardens and bushlands in the day and evenings. The most well fed, docile cat will prey on and kill wildlife, acting on its natural instincts to hunt and kill.

A high number of possums and birds that come into care are as a result of injuries caused by the most loved family cat. Feral cats play a major part in the killing of our native fauna – these cats come from people dumping them in our bushland areas.

Cats use hollows to rest in, also using trees as a resting place. These are place that our native wildlife like to live.

Once a cat has found a bird nest or a possum nest it will continue to go back and kill or injure wildlife that live within that nest.

What should you do to stop this happening?

  1. Keep your cats inside at all times.
  2. Install a fully enclosed cat run.
  3. Have cats desexed.
  4. Don’t feed stray cats, contact your local Council or your local Cat Protection Society to trap and take the cat into care.

Click here for more information Cats & Wildlife


Wildlife Most At-Risk From Cats:

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  • Feathertail gliders
  • Sugar gliders
  • Squirrel gliders

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Native birds

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  • Phascogales
  • Bandicoots
  • Native Rodents
