
Hunter Wildlife Rescue is run entirely by dedicated volunteers. We welcome volunteers from all walks and stages of life to fill all kinds of roles within our organisation. Care is generally provisioned in our own homes. Whatever your living, working or family situation is – there is an opportunity for you to assist!

Once you become a member, there is no pressure to accept jobs. We’d prefer you to work with what you’re comfortable with and what works within your life.

Become A Member

Step 1

Fill out the membership application form. Your form will be automatically sent to the membership officer & the treasurer when you press submit.

Step 2

You will then need to deposit your membership fees into the bank account below, either by bank transfer or money order. Please use your surname as a reference when paying electronically (e.g. Smith/membership).

Step 3

Renewal of membership and acceptance of applications from new members will be valid once the Membership Application Form and fee have been received and approved by the Management Committee.


BSB 032 524 Account No 142209
Account Name: Native Animal Trust Fund
Reference: Please use your surname as the reference.


Please send your money order made payable to:
Account Name: Native Animal trust Fund
Mail to: The Membership Officer, PO Box 17, Shortland NSW 2307

Once these steps are completed, you will receive correspondence from our membership officer to inform you of when the next “New Member’s Course” will occur. These courses run regularly and serves as an “induction” of sorts into the roles available to you, basic transport guidelines, safety and procedures within Hunter Wildlife Rescue.

Upon completion of your introductory course, you will be introduced to a coordinator in your area who will help you establish yourself in a role of your choosing. You will be connected with the relevant species coordinators based on your interests and a variety of other personal factors.

Volunteer Roles


Transporters are key to ensuring positive welfare outcomes for the wildlife that comes into our care. Transporters may transfer injured wildlife requiring rehabilitation from the local vets to carers, or between carers. This is a huge relief to our carers who may simply have no time to make these trips!

Transporters may also have the opportunity to releasing rehabilitated wildlife back into the wild. What’s more rewarding than that?


Rescuing injured, sick, orphaned or distressed wildlife is not for the faint of heart. Our incredible rescuers have access to a mobile app by which “jobs” come in for them to accept according to their level of confidence, availability and proximity to the case.

Once you become an active member within our group, you will be permitted to perform basic rescues including birds and possums. Rescues with more high-risk species such as monitors and macropods (kangaroos, wallabies), require more intensive training before being permitted to accept these jobs.

Rescue is extremely rewarding and an awesome way to meet other members and establish a network that will support you throughout your membership with us.


We are always in need of wildlife carers to facilitate the rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Care can take many forms! It is often thought that you need acres of space and a free schedule to care for wildlife. While some of our carers are retired or not currently working, many are full or part time employees and business owners.

If you are interested in care, it’s a good idea to seek out the advice of your area coordinator and/or relevant species coordinator to discuss which species/life stage may be suitable for you to care for. For example, someone with a young family may not be able to provide around the clock care to a baby possum but is able to have a pre-release aviary on their property.

Disaster Relief

Unfortunately, the incidence of natural disasters in Australia is flagged to increase into the future. In these events, we call on specially trained members to provide disaster relief in fires, heat waves, flood and storms.

Activities you may undertake as a member of the disaster support team include: “black walks” with support of the RFS to identify injured fauna following wildfire, maintaining feed stations in burnt out areas, flood rescue (usually in support of the SES), emergency triage (such as in the case of a severe heat wave).

Other Roles

If you had a more “hands-off” approach in mind, there are still a variety of important roles available, including:

  • Sewing/knitting pouches, liners or wraps for orphaned animals
  • Making possum & bird boxes
  • Farming live foods – crickets, meal worms
  • Fundraising, education & public awareness, IT support,
  • financial support
  • & so many more!

Membership Fees

New Member

$55 per year

  • Introductory Wildlife Course

  • Access to species courses

  • Access to member resources

  • Wildlife Whispers newsletters

  • Insurance

New Member

$90 per year

  • Introductory Wildlife Course

  • Access to species courses

  • Access to member resources

  • Wildlife Whispers newsletters

  • Insurance


$30 per year

  • Introductory Wildlife Course

  • Access to species courses

  • Access to member resources

  • Wildlife Whispers newsletters

  • Insurance


$50 per year

  • Introductory Wildlife Course

  • Access to species courses

  • Access to member resources

  • Wildlife Whispers newsletters

  • Insurance