Birds Of Prey (Raptors)

Birds of Prey (Raptors) can run into trouble with fences, cars, pets and illness. Raptors are incredibly powerful animals and can cause severe injury to people and animals. If you find a sick, injured or orphaned Bird of Prey, please contact our 24/7 Rescue Hotline on 0418 628 483 and a trained rescuer with correct equipment and PPE will attend. 

Injured raptors undergo assessment, medical treatment, rehabilitation, and, when possible, release back into the wild.

Raptors are birds that kill and eat other animals for food. They include species such as eagles, falcons, hawks, harriers and owls. A good tip to identify a bird as a raptor is to look at its wingtips in flight, as their feathers are often divided into ‘fingers’. Another easy clue is their enormous talons!

Australia boasts a rich tapestry of raptor species, each with unique characteristics and ecological roles. Raptors are essential for maintaining a balanced ecosystem by controlling prey populations.

Types Of Raptors In The Hunter

Barn Owl Rescue Advice For Raptors Birds Of Prey

The Powerful Owl, Barking Owl, and Barn Owl are a few of the nocturnal raptors found in Australia, playing a crucial role in controlling nocturnal prey populations.

Falcon Kites Birds Of Prey Wildlife Rescue Advice
Falcons, Kites & Hawks

The Black Kite, Whistling Kite, and various species of falcons are widespread across the continent, displaying swift flight and acute hunting skills.

Wedge-tailed Sea Eagle Raptor Rescue Advice Hunter Newcastle Lake Macquarie NSW Australia

The Wedge-Tailed Eagle, Sea Eagle and the Little Eagle are prominent species, known for their large size and impressive soaring abilities.


Predator-Prey Balance

Raptors help regulate populations of smaller animals, preventing overpopulation and ecosystem imbalances.​

Cultural Significance

Many indigenous Australian cultures hold raptors in high regard, symbolising power, freedom, and spiritual significance.​

Economic Benefits

Raptors contribute to ecotourism, drawing birdwatchers and enthusiasts to various regions for a glimpse of these magnificent birds.


Habitat Loss

Urbanisation and deforestation encroach upon raptor habitats, disrupting nesting and foraging areas.

Injuries and Collisions

Raptors often face injuries from collisions with vehicles, power lines, or buildings, necessitating rescue and rehabilitation efforts.

Illegal Activities

Nest disturbance, shooting, and poisoning are significant threats to raptor populations and require active conservation measures.